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Body - Soul - Spirit


It is widely held that human beings individually are a composite of three distinct components: body (temporal), soul and spirit (both eternal). We are our most brilliant when these three components are healthy and balanced. Science will support the premise that when one area is out of optimum health, the other two will suffer. Coaching will help identify core issues that create resistance and discontentedness. 

The Vessel

The Body is still subject to the curse levied in the garden (Gen 2) when it was made vulnerable to disease, deterioration and decay. The simple matter of aging comes with many difficulties; but interruptions by accidents and disease show us how truly fragile our physical existence actually is. Coaching Vessel health will be about desires and outcomes. Quitting smoking, excessive alcohol, obesity will play a role in senior years. God needs us physically well if we are to be of optimum impact.  

The Soul - Your Personality 


The Soul - or that part of you unique and created to be an expression of relational nature of God - is your personality.

  • Mind - intellect, capacity to reason, analyze, choose;

  • Will - self determination to act on thoughts, ideas, emotions.;

  • Emotions - categorically, fear, anxiety, embarrassment, sadness, anger, or love, happiness, amusement, astonishment, to name a few.


We are born (first birth) with self-preserving, ego centric drive, spiritually dead.  In this condition, we are separated from God. Jesus, however, offers us a way out. Accepting His work on the cross, and declaring trust and dependence on Him alone, makes our spirit alive (second birth) and an indwelling relationship with Him begins.    

The Spirit

We are born (first birth) with a strong spirit and ego centric drive to survive, but spiritually dead (Old Nature)e.  In this condition, we are eternally separated from God. All humanity is subject to this. Jesus, however, offers reconciliation and eternal life WITH God. Accepting His work on the cross, and declaring trust and dependence on Him alone, is the second birth and an indwelling, spiritually empowering relationship with Him begins (New Nature). In this "saved" condition, we are heaven bound. 

Old nature vs. New nature - While the new nature is sealed and preserved until we die, the tension and conflict between the two is part of the human experience. A peaceful and blessed lifestyle is possible when we surrender our "will" to the plans and purposes of God. By accepting God's precepts and requirements for Holy living and allowing His Spirit to empower us to live life pleasing to Him, we journey to Heaven with every confidence that He can get us there.  

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