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~ The Warrior Wife ~

Warrior! That's a pretty extraordinary identity! Why in the world would someone like me consider such a mantle?

Because one day I woke up and became agonizingly clear about this: Satan hates God's children and is relentless in his efforts to distract us by distorting truth, whispering lies and falsehoods, and colluding with our ego to think, act and dream in ways that derail our peace, joy, and contentment. One of the most beautiful expressions of God's love in this realm is marriage. When marrieds are happy and content, when children are thriving, and when the family as a team moves about in humanitarian ways, the world is a much better place.

Whether we can see it or not, we are at war all day, every day,
but we can only see it with our spiritual eyes.

It took me 35 years to find the warrior within me. She was revealed out of a deep desire to live a spirit-powered life, but I found myself frustrated by the lack of progress. I could see the man God wanted my husband to be, but he wasn't listening to me and this path I was on for seeing him grow was futile. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, spiritual principles began to formulate in my mind that persuaded me above all else, that in my flesh, I had absolutely no power whatsoever to alter or change the mind of another human being. I wasted many years trying to shape my husband through my words spoken with my values and ideas only to find that to be truly free, a person cannot mindlessly take on the thoughts and ideas of another, they must form their own! This is natural and ordained by the Creator who gives us all grace to walk and fall and allows for some intense consequences from which we can cultivate a different path.

The Warrior Wife Combat Training Manual is a coaching tool designed to help you own the power and authority you have in Jesus Christ to clear the spiritual field around your marriage.

With the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit you are fully equipped to protect and defend your home. Working through the manual you will be:

  • Challenged to accept the commission of a powerful intercessor

  • Understand the effectiveness of spiritual warfare through intercessory prayer

  • Learn to discern the spiritual malady behind the behaviors and actions

  • Discover how to enter the strongman's house and take back all that has been stolen from you

  • Choose and exercise three specific character traits to heal your home

  • Finally enjoy growing intimate with God so your days are filled with peace and joy

Are you ready to for
Warrior Wife Combat Training?
Get the Manual Here

The benefit of coaching: One on one (or in a group facilitated through a conference call line) coaching to help you achieve a healthy married life is really like any other form of coaching - it's instruction in relevant skills and providing encouragement. What do you want, and to what lengths are you willing to go to get it? Most Christian women want a Godly husband overseeing a Godly home. Instead of fighting with our husbands, we learn to fight for them. 

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